Healing, growth, and transformation can come in many different forms. On this page, I have included a few resources that may help you on your journey. My hope for you is that you give yourself permission to explore a variety of ways to receive love & support, whether that includes working with me or not. We all need more than one person or one thing to help us maintain our wellness & break free! You're worth it!
Click on the quick links below, or continue scrolling to view the resources for young adults & college students.
The Center for Parent & Teen Communication (Resources on Racism & Racial Identity)
"Our culturally responsive parenting content builds on cultural strengths and addresses the unique stressors families of color face when raising teens today. We partner with scholars with expertise in BIPOC communities to create resources that help parents engage in important conversations about racism and racial identity. Check out these featured articles and videos on talking about racism, racial identity, mental health, education, and more.
The Parenting Decolonized Podcast
"The Parenting Decolonized podcast shines the light on how colonization has impacted the black family structure and what to do about it. Raising liberated Black children is scary for Black parents who have been conditioned to center racialized trauma in our parenting practices. It’s time to release harmful narratives that continue to shrink and diminish generations of Black children. Host Yolanda Williams and her guests will discuss how to use conscious parenting as activism against white supremacy and how to raise liberated black children without breaking their spirits."
The Parenting for Liberation Podcast
"The Parenting for Liberation Podcast is a podcast for Black parents hosted by Trina Greene Brown. A mix of kitchen counter, living room style conversations with activist parents, parent activists throughout various movements. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Sound Cloud."
The Fare of the Free Child/Raising Free People Podcast
"Fare of the Free Child is a weekly-published podcast community centering Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color in liberatory living and learning practices. With a particular interest in unschooling and the Self-Directed Education movement, Akilah S. Richards and guests discuss the fears and the fares (costs) of raising free black and brown children in a world that tends to diminish, dehumanize, and disappear them."
Aakoma Project: Black Youth Mental Health & Couched in Color Podcast
"The mission of Aakoma Project is to Build the consciousness of Youth of Color and their caregivers on the recognition and importance of mental health, empowering youth and their families to seek help and manage mental health and influence systems and services to receive and address the needs of Youth of Color and their families. " The couched in Color Podcast is hosted by the founder of the Aakoma Project, Dr. Alifee Breland Noble and can be accessed by clicking here.
Wellbeing & Meditation Apps For & By Black Folx
Looking For A Therapist for Yourself or Your Teenager? Check Out the Therapy Directories Below
The Loveland Foundation (Free Therapy)
Aakoma Project Free Virtual Therapy (Free Therapy)
What is the Mental and Emotional Cost of 'Black Excellence' in Black Teenagers?
Please Note: Hello Kandace, LLC is not liable for services rendered by providers in the listed resources below.
Black Emotional & Mental Health Collective (B.E.A.M) - Wellness Tools
"Our mission is to remove the barriers that Black people experience getting access to or staying connected with emotional health care and healing through education, training, advocacy, and the creative arts. We believe: There is not just one strategy for healing, you can build up your toolbox for your wellness. That toolbox may include therapy, coloring books, music, yoga, dance, or gardening. Wellness is a spectrum, and we can build our own strategies for healing.
Sista Afya Virtual Support Groups & Classes for Women 18-35.
"Sista Afya offers low-cost monthly support groups, group therapy & workshops under $35/session and free community-wide events that support Black women throughout their healing journey. We primarily serve young adult Black women between ages 18-35 and secondarily serve women ages 35+. Check out our events under ' Upcoming Events'"
"The mission of Black Men Heal is to: To provide access to mental health treatment, psycho-education, and community resources to men of color. Their goal is to: remove the stigma, match providers and clients, and eliminate costs. One of their programs, "Kings Corner" is a virtual weekly meetup group for men held through Zoom. Each week there is a different topic applicable to men’s mental health issues or struggles, as well as a different qualified host specialized in the topic."
The DORM (Holistic Treatment Center for Young Adults in NY or DC).
The Dorm provides integrated approaches to supporting young adults with complex mental and emotional health needs. The mission of the The DORM is to "guide young adults towards independence through evidence-based clinical therapies, community support, and practicial skill-building."
The College Mental Health Podcast CWC Talks (University of Florida)
"The College Mental Health Podcast is hosted by the University of Florida's Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC). This is a podcast devoted to honest conversations about mental health and wellness, in college and beyond. Episodes feature a variety of topics relevant to undergraduate and graduate students, from racism to panic attacks to finding joy."
Therapy for Black Girls Podcast & Three for Thursday Chats
"The Therapy for Black Girls Podcast is a weekly chat about all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we can make to become the best possible versions of ourselves, hosted by licensed psychologist, Dr. Joy Harden Bradford." Three for Thursday is a weekly chat on Zoom, facilitated by Dr. Joy Harden Bradford on a variety of mental wellness topics. You can register for those weekly chats by clicking here. "
Wellbeing & Meditation Apps For & By Black Folx
Free Therapy/Therapy Scholarship Programs or Free Support Groups
What is the Mental and Emotional Cost of 'Black Excellence' in College Students?
How to Cope with Perfectionism as a Black Student at a Mostly White Institution
The Burden of Excellence: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of Perfectionism in Black Students
One Therapist Shares the Unhealthy Patterns of Perfectionism.
Please Note: Hello Kandace, LLC is not liable for services rendered by providers in the listed resources below.